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(North Rim to South Rim Grand Canyon):
I got offered a ride from the North Rim all the way to the South Rim. Do you know how hard it was to say ‘no’ to skipping one of the hardest sections of the trail? 😂 The excitement to see the Grand Canyon for the first time outweighed the temptation to skip the strenuous hike.
Met a group of people who gave me food & drinks because they saw I was eating ravenously. I ate salt & vinegar chips which are normally disgusting to me, but I’ve been in weird eating habits on trail so it tasted like Heaven. We took a photo together & parted ways.
Met a couple that looked like they were in their 70’s hiking rim to rim. They started at midnight & were making their way up north. They said they were going to sleep at a lodge for a couple of nights & hike rim to rim again to get back to their car. It was an inspiration to see so many older people doing this kind of stuff for fun.
I met a hottie named Nick as I was going up the south rim. He approached me with complete confidence & boldly asked me out for a drink. I was very thrown off guard as usually I am the one picking guys up. But, it was a breath of fresh air & I was excited to say yes!
I saw another super cute guy & asked him out on a date. He said yes & we hung out for a bit after our hike. I felt a little bad because I flirted with him to the point where he got a room in town & I cancelled on him because his laugh turned me off & he didn’t seem to have much confidence in himself.
I made it into Tusayan & got a resupply box from my mom. I love the smell of home when I get something mailed. ❤️ I threw out a couple packs of starbursts since they were expired by a couple months. Bryce said they were fine so I went through the trash to get them back & a bunch of people walked by in that moment & stared me down. Felt like the PCT all over again. 🤣
Met some super cool trailer campers who offered me a shower token so I could freshen up for my date. I put a crop top on & “matched” it with my new BOA shorts. I looked in the mirror & laughed out loud. I looked like a sun burnt rave hippie. 😂 I love how I have so many different “looks” in my life. Back in Chicago, I’m normally wearing expensive dresses & heels… & when I’m traveling, I’m maaaybe showering once a week & sleeping near highways/in forests. Can’t take myself seriously anymore. 😂
I brought them back their soap & we hung out & talked stories. They shared the struggles they went through in life & how they found their way out of the holes they dug themselves in. They were so kind, humble & real. I love when people can feel comfortable enough to open up to me. 🙏🏻❤️