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Today, my close friend Aaron passed away. I met him last year when he picked me up hitchhiking after my completion of the Colorado Trail. He drove me all the way to Flagstaff and even took me on a detour through Sedona since I told him I had never been. I was left in tears from the beauty of the crimson rocks and scattered scent of pine needles.
We kept in touch ever since that day. We wrote each other letters, had many phone calls and met up again before my CDT hike. He drove me all the way to the Mexico border and we listened to Wisdom Dialogues most of the way.
It’s amazing how certain people I met on the road had made such a major impact on me and Aaron was definitely one of them. I became so close to him in a matter of a year and I knew he was on the same level of learning as me. He was aware the world was only a game and not meant to be taken seriously. He was aware of death being an illusion along with aging/illness being a misperception of the mind.
Yet still, I couldn’t help but contemplate the time we spent together. I wondered how I could have been a better friend for him and cherished him more fully. I know he’s okay and he’s probably laughing at me for even entertaining these thoughts, yet I still can’t help but ponder. Even with his apparent body being gone, his energy still inspires me to be a better person.
I knew that he enjoyed his life experiences, yet he expressed several times that he was ready to move on to the next phase and release the weight of his body. He felt he accomplished everything he needed, that he lived his life fully and was ready to let go and ascend to a new journey. So, with that being said, Rest in Peace, Aaron. I love you and you are fully supported.