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Tusayan to Flagstaff Urban Trail:
I was experiencing strong feelings of quitting the AZT for many reasons. Mostly having to do with my family consistently asking me to come home & be with them. They have just started to vocalize that they miss me rather than telling me subliminally. My Dad & brother FaceTimed me to show me the Halloween decorations they bought & told me to come back so I could go trick or treating. The feelings have been intensifying within me to see them, along with my friends from work.
Late at night, I called my Dad to ask him for some relationship advice. I’m so grateful I can talk to him about sex/men & get a better understanding of things. I always wanted that kind of relationship. Somehow, hearing things from my Dad helps me snap out of any confusion/frustration I’m experiencing.
I wasn’t smart & didn’t check the next water source. I almost walked 20 miles to see that the next water source was an extra 20 miles away & was unreliable. I was in the middle of nowhere & decided to wait for a car. After several miles I finally saw one driving towards me & asked them if they had any water because I was starting to feel dehydrated just thinking about only possibly getting water tomorrow. They gave me ice cold water in the middle of the desert. 🥵😱 I almost cried. They turned around 5 minutes later to give me even more water & asked if I knew where I was going & if I needed anything else. I love humans. I also laughed at myself because I still had 3 liters on me. Sometimes, I just exaggerate because I want attention. I think it’s cute when I do that. 😂
Fell asleep in an open field. The rest of the night I was surrounded by a bunch of cows moo’ing around my tent. I woke up early & road walked between cow pastures for several miles. I began singing out loud & all the cows ran away.